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RE: Server shit.. and general life

Well I finally got around to doing some final tests on the server parts. As I suspected it is infact the mobo. This makes me happy actually. Well, not as happy as I would have been if it were just the CPU, but a lot happier than if the problems were in the power supply, or some other dumb shit in the case, which would be a bitch to return. Since the only reason I got this mobo in the first place was to support old RAM, I think I will just toss it, and get a new one that will support DDR, and I’ll just get new RAM. Eventually. All seems well with the HD in my dev machine, so I think I’ll leave it there for a while. I’m not working on any new projects, so the box wouldn’t be doin anything anyway.

As Steph noted in her journal the other day, we got to spend about 7 hours at the emergency room on Saturday night/Sunday morning. The years of neglecting my teeth are finally catching up to me (well, have been catching up for some time, just finally got to a boiling point). I haven’t been to the dentist in about 10 years, and only went every few years as a kid. I never took good care of my teeth as a kid and through my teens. By the time I got into good habits brushing and such, the damage was well underway.

All of my wisdom teeth have been slowly decaying away. I’ve put off going to the dentist over and over, for a variety of reasons (usually related to money). I got used to the constant pain, and it rarely bothered me, so by the time I had insurance again, and could afford to go, I just kind of forgot about it. Well, the pain hit me hard in the past week. Tylenol was doing nothing for it. Finally Saturday night, I just couldn’t take it anymore so I went to the ER for some pain killers. I have an appointment for a consultation with an oral surgeon on Tuesday. I’m sure when they take X-Rays, and take a look in my mouth, they will want to get the fuckerz extracted ASAP. So with any luck, I will have four less teeth within the next couple weeks.

Other than that, work sucks. I have my resume out to several places right now, and hopefully something will pan out soon. I dream of the day when I am making decent money again, and can actually pay my fucking bills. We have had a lot of good people supporting us through the past year and a half (which have been complete shite). If it wasn’t for them, we’d be living in a ghetto ass apartment again, with none of our animals, and definitely none of our “luxuries”.

Enough bitching.

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