Well I finally finished all of the major work in the bathroom over the holiday week. All that’s left to be done are little things like hanging pictures and such. Overall, I’m pretty happy with the way things turned out. I left things at the end of the last post having just finished the wainscoting. I had actually already installed the toilet as well, so let’s start there.
Category: Powder Room Remodel
Powder Room Remodel Part 3: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
I can’t believe that it’s already been another 2 weeks since my last update (which I forgot to post to social media). Work has really put a damper on my free time during the week to get things done. But, the finish line is (very) near! I left the last update having just finished painting the walls. While the yellow paint didn’t bother me before, I really hated it by the time I was ready to redo this bathroom. We chose a blueish green to go with our beachy theme. It’s amazing how much of a difference it makes to the appearance of the floor. Next up was the trim, wainscoting, and chair rail.
Continue reading “Powder Room Remodel Part 3: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”Powder Room Remodel Part 2: Tiling and Paint
It’s been about 2 weeks since the first post, and things are moving along nicely. While I would’ve originally liked to have been done by now, I’m happy with how things are progressing. Between working a lot and multiple Halloween events, I haven’t had a ton of time, but I got a lot done in the past 2 weeks. First up is tile.

Powder Room Remodel Part 1: Here I Go Again…
Welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, well. Anyone who’s been to our house and used the powder room in the past couple of years, has probably noticed loose & cracked tiles. I was very aware that the floor was failing in there, and badly in need of being ripped out. I wasn’t however, fully aware of the cause. Last year, I noticed some water staining down below the bathroom in the basement ceiling. I happened to have a hole in the ceiling next to it, and could see some water damage on one of the joists. Unfortunately, I couldn’t really see the extent of it since I was just on the edge of the bathroom. At any rate, it was already on my todo list, but it kept getting delayed due to other stuff. Just before we went on vacation last month, I noticed water on the tiles behind the toilet. I flushed it, and watched water pour from the tank somewhere. So I turned off the water in there and decided it was finally being dealt with when we returned.