Well,.. I’m back. The wedding and honeymoon were great! Back at work today, wishing I was still on vacation. The T1 circuit was supposed to be setup yesterday, and of course verizon didnt show. Allow me to backtrack… I got back from Mexico on Saturday night, and checked my voicemail. There was a message from verizon on 3/20, confirming that they would be out on 3/22 to setup the T1 circuit. Then another from the Tech on 3/22 saying he’d be there at whatever time. So Monday morning, I call CAIS and ask them about this. They say that they know nothing of verizon coming out on 3/22, and that the FOC date is still 3/27. So I wait around all day yesterday, and of course they dont show. I call CAIS again last night and tell them that verizon didnt show. They tell me that they will check with provisioning and lemme know what’s up today. Sure enough they call me this morning and tell me that the circuit was setup on 3/22, and that they just found out about it. RETARDS! So with any luck,.. it will be up tomorrow.


Well,.. long time no write for me. Nothing really that exciting to write about. Two more days, and I will be a married man. This don’t mean much to me, since in my mind I have been married for a couple years now. For all of you bastards who aren’t coming to the wedding, we will be broadcasting it (very slowly) on stvlive.com at 1:25 pm on Saturday. Hopefully we will have a nice gallery of pics up soon thereafter. Monday, it’s off to Cancun we go! In T1 news,.. supposedly it will be done on 3/27. I am not holding my breath, but at least it’s a date.

Well, even with the pissy drizzle, my commute was pretty good this morning. I was listening to a cd I havent heard in a while on the way in. It put me in a good mood, so hopefully these dipshits at work wont fuck that up for me.

Bored, bored, bored. I am sick and tired of sitting around at work waiting for something to do. Not that anything I have done at work lately has been remotely interesting. I have spent the morning updating our wedding registries go buy us stuff at weddingchannel.com & bedbathandbeyond.com. Still waiting on a date for the T1 we are hoping that it gets setup before the wedding, but not holding our breath. With our luck, the date will be for while we’re on our honeymoon and we’ll hafta reschedule it. I’m just tired of waiting!


I have been trying to fight it off, but I guess it was inevitable that I would catch it. I am starting to feel like monkey shit today. Steph has had this bug since Thursday, hopefully it wont hit me as hard.


bored, bored, bored, bored, bored!
yet another day of nothing to do. i could be sitting at home relaxing, or out doing something productive, but for some reason they dont like to pay me to do that. instead, they pay me to sit around on my ass all day doing jack shit. at least today is friday.

dum duh dum dum

Well, as I’m sure most of you know, since you read steph’s journal too, we finally set a date for the wedding! We will be getting married on St. Patrick’s day. We will be broadcasting the wedding online for all to see. We’ll have more details once we get things setup.

Why are people so goddamn stupid?!?!

If you get an email, and it has an attachment, DONT FUCKING OPEN IT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS!!!! I am sick and tired of stupid fucking people shutting down mail servers because they can’t take a minute to look before they click. It’s bad enough that the dumbasses who write the virii exist. Hint to all out there, if you dont write vb and you get an attachment that has the extension of .vbs, IT IS PROBABLY A FUCKING VIRUS!