The rock has been brought! This concludes todays program. I will now take usc to a bcs championship since we can only dream this year.
It is now time to make the roc…
It is now time to make the rock! \m/
Been up since 3am for work. Ju…
Been up since 3am for work. Just left, getting wings now, and fully enjoyting a beer.
As if my back wasn’t bothering…
As if my back wasn’t bothering me enough today, I washed both cars for good measure.
Wow lowest score in a win sinc…
Wow lowest score in a win since ’98. A win is a win though for a banged up team.
Spent about 2.5 hrs raking up …
Spent about 2.5 hrs raking up leaves. Completely unmotivated to do anything else now till I have to cook.
Sitting at anita’s waiting for…
Sitting at anita’s waiting for tires to be mounted on Steph’s car next door.
I can’t believe how bad our D …
I can’t believe how bad our D collapsed. Never seen anything like it on a PC USC team.
Game time! Once again a nation…
Game time! Once again a nationally televised game is blacked out here. Fight on trojans!
Watching the game on espn360 s…
Watching the game on espn360 sucks, but better than not at all. Fight on trojans!