I just got served! Literally, for jury duty next month.
Watching the fireworks and lig…
Watching the fireworks and lighting my own in summerduck, va
Finished the endless setlist. …
Finished the endless setlist. feel let down. I reached my fan cap long ago on hard, so I only got like 170k fans instead of millions.
3hrs and halfway thru endless …
3hrs and halfway thru endless setlist on drums. 42 songs to go!
Eating some wings and having a…
Eating some wings and having a beer. I’ve slept a total of about 10hrs since saturday. I see a nap in my future.
He-brew = the best beer name e…
He-brew = the best beer name ever!
Drinkin beer at the nova brewf…
Drinkin beer at the nova brewfest, listenin to not so great music
Dear weekend, please come back…
Dear weekend, please come back. K thx bye
Wishing I was on a beach somew…
Wishing I was on a beach somewhere
Nice way to finish the series …
Nice way to finish the series @lakers! Any doubt left of Kobe’s greatness?