I have decided to do a series of posts about my pending Verizon Fios install for both my own tracking, and for others to use for reference. If you are interested, read more after the break. I’m cutting this to spare space for those who don’t care.
Verizon started pulling fibre in our neighbourhood over the summer. Soon thereafter, signs started appearing, and pamphlets arriving in the mail telling us to get ready. Having had fibre run within a block of my old house, yet never actually getting it in our development, I was sceptical that it would actually be available any time soon.
Last weekend, we were having dinner down the street a friend’s house in our neighbourhood. we were talking, and they let us know that they ordered FIOS, and were expecting it to be installed in a few weeks. I said that I didn’t think that it was available to me yet on my street, because I didn’t see the fibre drops on any of the garages in my ally (even though there are on the row directly behind me).
On Tuesday I was thinking about this, and figured what the hell, I might as well check. So I went to the Verizon FIOS availability checker, and entered my address. What do you know? It said it was available to me. So I looked at the plans to see what the pricing is compared to my cable internet.
We currently have a 16/2Mbps connection through comcast, and do not have any other service through them We use Vonage for our phones, and DirecTV for TV. The cable line costs us about $56/mo. I am not at all interested in Verizon’s phone or TV service, so I was only looking at the non-bundled price. For $60/mo I could get a 20/5Mbps connection, free install/hardware, and the first month free. I thought about it for a few minutes, and decided to go for it.
The signup process was simple enough. After entering some personal details, I was presented with a preliminary install date of March 6th between 1:00 – 5:00pm, and an option to change the date/time if that didn’t work for me. I Though that was a pretty good date (less than 3 weeks away), so I accepted and submitted the order.
A little while later I got an email confirmation, with a link to a “what’s next” site. It has some informative stuff, and a dumbed down explanation of what to expect during the install process. They say miss utility will be out to paint the existing utilities in my yard, and a crew will come bury the fibre in my yard sometime prior to the install day. I am supposed to be notified prior.
This morning I got an automated message from Verizon thanking me for signing up, and verifying the install date. Again letting me know how I can change it if need be.
I will update as soon as they come out and bury the fibre.
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